Introduction Netflix: It is an undeniable fact that entertainment is a very crucial part of everyone’s life. Evidently, eighty percent of the world’s population is living very hectic life with deadlines and schedules to take care of. Amidst all this it is fun to have some entertainment. A huge chunk of the world’s population likes to watch movies and series to get their share of entertainment. However, to do so people have to buy expensive subscription plans of different OTT Platforms. But many people out there cannot afford to doo so. For the same reason, such people look for alternatives that provide all the entertaining content for free.
Are you also one of these people wishing you had a good alternative platform to watch all your shows as well as movies? if you want to know about such platforms this blog is the perfect place for you. In this blog, you are going to find all kinds of information related to different platforms. Also, this blog is going to be detailed, elaborate and accurate till the end. For the same reason, this is worth the investment of your time. You should definitely read this till the end. However, before discussing Netflix platforms with free content let’s get to know what is.
What is
Basically, it can be described as a platform that features information about other websites and platforms. In simple words, is a platform that can be used to find alternatives to already existing service providers, websites, applications, platforms, etc. therefore, if you are not satisfied with any of the platforms or website that you are using then this website can certainly help you. In their interface you will be provided with a variety of options. Netflix: What is the need of such free content providing platforms? How do they function?
- If you want to understand the significance of such platforms that provide entertaining content without any subscriptions you need to understand the need of people. Evidently, there are many people out there who do not earn enough money to entertain the idea of buying a subscription to an OTT. Such people rely on third party platforms like the ones we are about to discuss ahead.
- Such platforms basically function and operate on a risky as well as slippery path. Basically, their functions can be described as providing paid content to user to watch for free. Therefore, the ones who own the said content won’t be getting their cut. This is because someone else is stealing their content and making it available out there for free. In simple words, these are third party platforms that are committing acts of piracy.
5 Best Free Alternatives to Netflix ( Netflix)
STREMIO- This is indeed one of the greatest options if you wish to watch content for free. Most of the content available on this platform is provided in the best quality possible. Similarly, you won’t have any complaints regarding the audio quality. Evidently, this platform also gives you various notifications of new releases and more. You can even use this on your Chromecast and Apple TV conveniently.
TUBI- Tubi is indeed one of the best platforms of this kind. This platform can even be referred to as a demand video streaming platform. You can find all kinds of content that you desire on this platform. Evidently, the content library of Tubi is so huge that as of now there are more than 40000 movies and TV shows.
MYFLIXER- This is another one of the platforms that exist out there. Basically, this is a website that has a lot of proxy websites that you can use in case of any issues. This website uses great hosting technology which makes all their functions very efficient. Also, there are subtitles provided in various languages. Netflix: Are these platforms safe and legal to use?
The three platforms which have been discussed above are all HTTPS secure and also have a valid SSL certificate. For the same reason, their reliability gets boosted. Also, all of these three platforms mentioned above do not require any registration or log in to access their services. Therefore, you can enjoy all the content without registering yourself. A major advantage of this is that the data does not gets stored. Hence, all the users’ personal and location data information is kept safe. Also, these platforms have not fallen prey to any data leaks or data theft yet.
As for the legality, these platforms are not at all legal. This is because these platforms are known to be third party service providers who steal content and provide it for free. Basically, these platforms are contenders to piracy. And, all the people who are using their services to entertain themselves are also committing acts of piracy. Therefore, you should check on the strictness of piracy laws where you reside.

If you were in search of alternatives to Netflix which provide content for free, it is hoped that these platforms will help you. Indeed, you can benefit from using such platforms for short term use. Also, you should avoid using these platforms in the long term as they are risky. Therefore, use them at your own risk and do it with cautious safety.
AUTHOR- Piyush Chauhan