Tax is the term which everyone knows. Every citizen pays the tax in different ways. Normal and middle class people pays the tax through the items they purchase. Then if their salary is more than the amount of the salary set by the government for the taxation then also a percent of amount people needs to pay. Our discussion will revolve around the income-tax act 1961 news. The income tax department was introduced in the year 1961 under the Income Tax Act. There are a lot of sections and chapters in income tax act. From last few years [people are not happy with the budget and the taxation.
According to everyone the government is charging a high amount of tac from the citizens. They are saying that this taxation charge and the budget is affecting the middle class families and the poor people a lot. This article is a combination of history and the present. You will get a lot of information form this article so kindly stay connected with the rest of the article.
Income Tax Act: The Income-Tax Act 1961 News
This act was occurred in the year 1961. Income Tax Act took place so that the rule and regulations should be there for the taxes on the incomes. According to this act a limit was set for the tax payment. If the individual is not earning up to that amount or more than that they do not need to pay the tax. This limit keeps on changing after every year. There are 298 sections in this act. Along with that it also has 23 chapters. Then there are some important provisions as well in this act. This was made to specify the tax percentage for everyone. It shows the equality of tax paying in everybody. It covers all the citizens of India. There is not a special rule or act which was made for the different class of people. It is a transparency between the citizens and the people.
Recent News of 1961 Act: The Income-Tax Act 1961 News
Every year the budget is introduced with the whole nation. Every year the budget was creating stress. This year the trend of stress on the budget continues. Every one targeted Nirmala Sitaraman for the budget this year as well. Now the thing is that Nirmala got questioned by many of the people and the media for the budget. Moreover, she also got questioned that this budget is affecting the middle class people a lot. Many of them also stated that she made the worst budget and she should not be a finance minister anymore.
On this she reverted that she is getting the Income Tax Act of 1961 revised. She will come back within 5-6 months with all her theories which coordinates with the proof and the constitution as well. All this she is doing because she wants to settle all the disputes, blames, and questions which were asked from her. That is why the budget and the Income Tax 1961 News is in the talks.
Stable Economy
This act helps to make the economy stable. As there is a particular and a specific amount that the country will get through the tax. This tax clarifies that the nation will get a specific amount of money which will clearly contributes in the economy a lot. An economy is something which runs by the income and the tax of the citizens of the nation.
Equality Drawback
In the initial phase the tax charge was high for the wealthy people. On the other hand, the middle class and the poor people had the relaxation form the government on the percentage of the tax payment. Due to this theory it was questioned that this policy creates a non-equality environment in the nation. Moreover, if they spare the people according to their incomes then it will be unfair and the nation will lose a lot of tax income. Still this thing continued and still it is in effect that there is a limit set by the government under which an individual does not need to pay the tax if their income is below that amount.
Now the thing is the budget has been planned in such a manner that the middle class people are suffering from the costly things. These things are the daily needs of the person. Now those who are rich they do not have any issue because they can pay 10 rupees extra and it will not affect them. Now the thing is that equality issue is still going on and the middle class people and the poor people are suffering from it a lot.
News about the change in Income Tax Act: The Income-Tax Act 1961 News
According to the resources it has been found that government is going to change some of the amendments under some of the section. This will change some tax rates. Like in the year 1961 Income Tax act was introduced so in the same way the change for the amendments is also known as Finance Act 2024.
New Rules: The Income-Tax Act 1961 News
There will be some new change which we all will see in this act. The taxation rates will be changed in some of the aspects. Especially in the section 80C the changes are going to take place. We will see some great and big changes in the Income Tax and the rates. We just need to wait for some time as Nirmala Sitaraman is going to introduce all the changes with us in the upcoming time soon.

Lastly, we want to say that this act can makes some good changes but can also revert the middle class people badly. It is necessary to wait for the changes of this act. Many are questioning her for this act. Still who can stop the person who has the power in their hands. Income Tax news is in talks because of the changes she is doing in this act. Government will revise the whole act and then she will make some changes and this act she named as the Finance Act 2024.