HomeInformationCocaine bear true story: Unknown facts & more

Cocaine bear true story: Unknown facts & more


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Cocaine bear true story: Undeniably, the world that we live in is a big world. This earth inhabits so many of us humans along with many other creatures and animals. Often, we witness very strange and unusual events. Some of these events are even unfortunate and involve loss of life. Our topic of discussion today revolves around one such mishappening. Are you someone who likes to stay aware of what is happening around the world? And, are you aware of the Cocaine bear incident or ever came across it? Lastly, are you curious to know more about what actually happened and the documentary that got made on it? If you are interested in this then no other place would be as suitable as this blog.

In this blog, you are going to find all the relevant details and information related to the Cocaine bear incident along with its documentary. Also, this blog is going to be elaborate and comprehensive till the end. For the same reason, it is going to be packed with information that will make it worth the time that you invest. Hence, reading this completely till the end might be beneficial and a good idea.

Overview and details of Cocaine bear true story

  • (Source- Wikipedia)
  • Other name(s)- Pablo Eskobear, Cokey the Bear
  • Species- American black bear
  • Sex- Female
  • Born- unknown
  • Died- 1985
  • Cause of death- Cocaine overdose
  • Resting place- Lexington, Kentucky
  • Known for- digesting and later overdosing on cocaine, as a monument
  • Weight- 175 lb (79 kg)

Cocaine bear true story: What actually happened?

First of all, lets discuss who this story is about. We are talking about a middle-aged American black bear fell prey to a life-threatening incident. As of now, this bear is known by many names such as Cocaine bear, Pablo Eskobear and Cokey the Bear. This was a female bear that weighed around 175 pounds or 790 kilograms. Unfortunately, this specific female bear happened to meet her death by fatally overdosing on Cocaine in the year 1985.

What actually happened was that a group of Colombian drug smugglers dropped cocaine in some part of the forests in Tennessee, USA. Then, allegedly this bear happened to consume and digest that particular cocaine. Consequently, the bear overdosed on the cocaine and met its demise. The dead body of this bear was discovered in northern region of Georgia. After this incident, the authorities in charge stuffed the dead bear and then displayed at one of the malls in Kentucky. This incident has managed to inspire a comedy thriller film named “Cocaine Bear” in 2023. Thereafter, in the same year a documentary film titled “Cocaine Bear: The True Story” was released to shed some light on the actual incident.

More about the backstory of this incident: Cocaine bear true story

The story of the Cocaine Bear started back in September of 1985. Initially, the news came of a known and convicted drug smuggler by the name of Andrew Thornton dying due to a parachute related accident. There is a theory that exists out there which says that he was flying in a plane which had more than 880 pounds of cocaine prior to this incident. At the moment he is believed to have though feds were after him and were following him. Consequently, he made the decision of throwing some of the cocaine out of the plane. At the same time, he also took more with him while parachuting out of the said plane. However, it is no mystery that his plan was unsuccessful and he met a disastrous fate.

After this he was reported dead specifically on 11th September of 1985. His deceased body was found at one of the driveways in Knoxville, Tennessee. When he was found he had Gucci loafers on. And, that is not the only thing, he also had cocaine strapped to his body. When calculated the amount of cocaine he had strapped on him is worth around $15 million. The cocaine bear was not part of the story until four months later. In December of 1985, reports came of a black bear dying of a cocaine overdose after having consumed it. the place that this bear was discovered is known as Chattahoochee National Forest. It is believed that this was that same cocaine which got dropped by Andrew Thornton while fleeing his plane. The body of this bear was found alongside 40 already opened containers with trace amounts of cocaine in them.

Cocaine bear true story
Cocaine bear true story

The documentary and the horror film: Cocaine Bear True Story

A comedy horror film with the same name i.e., Cocaine Bear got released in the year 2023. Evidently, it is an American film which got directed by Elizabeth Banks. And, Jimmy Wardens is the one who wrote it. The story of this film is very loosely inspired from the true story of the cocaine bear that died from an overdose. This film was released specifically on 24th February 2023. And, it was released by Universal Pictures.

On the other hand, there is a documentary film on Cocaine bear. Evidently, the title of this documentary is “Cocaine Bear: The True Story”. This documentary also got released in the same year i.e., 2023. Also, this documentary solely focuses on covering the events that unfolded in the whole incident. Hence, there is no fictionalization in it.


Indeed, it was unfortunate what happened with the bear. The female bear had no idea what she was consuming when she came across and later it took her life. In my personal opinion, what was even more unfortunate is that the bear’s body got displayed at a mall. This is the end of this blog. In conclusion, it is hoped that you found sufficient information through this blog. Lastly, if you found this worth your time then consider investing some more time in checking out more blog posts from this website.

AUTHOR- Piyush Chauhan

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